Saturday, 15 August 2009

Who is your Preacher?

Everyone on the planet has a source through which they live their life. 'Information' is the biggest issue around because we act upon information. Subsequently, what we do affects ourselves and others. Music, media, politician, religious spokesperson, personal hero, pastor or celebrity; all can provide information on how we are to be or what we are to do. For example, masses of people want to look like a particular version of a human being. The right shapes, clothes and attitudes have neglected the simple and profound truth that you are unique! Theres only one of you! The need to be accepted and 'fit in' came from information pumped into the media. It is all usually geared around product and money making.

We have the ability as free thinking individuals to manage the information we recieve. Most of the time we do not consider ourselves to be recieving information when we actually are. So many things we come across in everyday life contains information. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can identify the 'usual suspects' in the information war. We usually treat certain areas in life with care, rightly managing the info that comes from the source. There can be ways in which the Holy Spirit is unable to help us identify potential dangers. These areas involve our permissions and levels of permission.

No-one should live without the help and advice of others. It is dangerous to close our lives to all human counsel because the Lord can use others. The body of Christ, when free from the institutional rank-and-routine format, is vital to our growth in Christ. When we take the advice or counsel or guidance of other people and elevate its importance we can go astray. When we give certain respected, educated, revered, talented, wise individuals too much scope in our lives, the Lord is crowded out of that area. Even the smallest degree of permission in an area can hand control to a man or woman. Can it be argued that the Lord, should he desire, can speak louder than any person on earth? Is it true that we can 'have an ear to hear' the voice of the Lord over that of our trusted mortal? Maybe so, but when we give permission in our lives to a person on earth we begin taking on their mindset, philosophy and their own version of their Christian experience. A time may come where the two voices conflict. Sadly, many experience this and because they have accepted the 'clergy culture', they default to flesh and render more control to the Pastor, Vicar, Priest or Pope. I am convinced that this is how the system of clergy and laity becomes control, manipulation, containment and stagnant religion without anyone lifting a finger..... it's just the way we are wired. That's another reason why God designed church to be safe, free and Christ centred.

Their information, even if you pray over it and 'lay it before the Lord,' is in danger of replacing the Lord's leading. The body of Christ is their to help you grow and act as a 'voice' of sorts. We must be clear on a few things about other Christians before readily accepting their 'leadings,' 'prophecies,' or 'things they feel.'

  • There are no Christians more informed about you than you.
  • No one except Jesus can know your heart.
  • Jesus is alive and able to lead without any help.
  • The appearance of God's 'special anointed' is unbiblical.
  • You must outwork your own salvation.
  • People have different functions but not levels of superiority.
  • Sometimes 'helpful' people (including leaders) need to be needed.
  • God uses people but the interaction always gives you a choice.

It is far easier to rely on people to deliver the 'word of the Lord' than embark upon a Christ-led Christian walk. We can go all our lives never facing the reality of who we really are. The pseudo world of minister, leader or author led Christianity can never delve into the heart attitudes that lurk within. We can even construct a world where everything is manufactured as 'real Christianity.' This inauthentic way to live is caused by the systems and structures readily accepted in Christendom today. The aim of the Lord's work is to cause change in our lives. We are changed into Christlike attitudes and actions follow. If these changes are driven by any outside information influence then we miss the real change Jesus intends within us. This change is sourced within, in the heart of the individual. Christ alone through the work of the Holy Spirit can cause this to occur. Today we see so many ways to change our christian walk, our witness and our worship yet most deal with technique, formula and prescription. It is the inner life that truly makes us salt and lighte. If you cannot accept that we need to return to Christ centred meeting then go the whole hog and buy a tee shirt saying 'SALT and LIGHT' on the front. This is about as much use as living in the artificial man-serving kingdom of NOD that sends millions to hell every waking day. WHO IS YOU PREACHER?

Gary Ward

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