Saturday, 15 August 2009

Reasons for reform 1

Tiered leadership structure is unbiblical, as pointed out in 1 Corinthians chapters 1-4

Paul the apostle confronted the Corinthians with a few issues concerning how they were following men because of gift and function. This had led to Paul himself being subject to their judgment as they questioned his apostleship.

There were divisions in the church based on how one considered another leader in, or associated with, the church. Paul could have simply told the church to make sure they follow Christ but instead goes on to underline the true nature of the Corinthian problem.

It is not worldly ability that makes them able to see the powerful message of the cross, yet the Corinthians had returned to esteeming and hankering after those with such abilities. These divisions had caused quarrels amongst the brothers just as it had when James and John asked to sit with Christ on his throne (Mark 10).

Having pointed out the problem of elevating people because of gift and function, 'as the world does' Paul appeals to the Corinthians to have no differences between them.

Chapter four ends the general rebuke before going into specific issues occurring in the church. In this chapter he writes with some irony, >"you are already rich, you have all you want. You have become Kings!"

Like the Corinthian church, everyone knows that kings preside over other people. Paul tells them of his own lifestyle as an apostle, clearly showing that he lived a life of pauper proportions. This contrasts the attitude of the Corinthians. They were happy to make the gifted, educated and talented into 'kings' and those with these attributes were happy to be regarded that way! Paul is reminding them that there will be a time when they will be kings, but at that time all God's people will reign with Christ in his coming Kingdom.

He recommends Timothy to them because he will remind them of his 'no divisions' lifestyle. Paul uses the language of relationship when describing his association with Timothy. Calling him his son again underlines the fact that there are no ranked divisions between himself and Timothy even though Timothy was learning from Paul.

This initial rebuke ends with Paul asking them if they want him to come to them biblically with gentleness and love or in an authoritarian rank - with a whip!

Today's Church are happy to lift up certain gifts and functions. Not everyone has a Corinthian attitude of reigning as Kings, but still function in tiered rank. Paul called this structure worldly. It also caused divisions and arguments. This is what we find today in the denominations and infighting within Christendom. It also accounts for the weak and insipid effect that Church has on society as ranked leadership makes people anything but Christ-centered.

Sadly, many do not recover from the spiritual abuse caused by 'Kings' in ranked leadership structures.

This is why Century One exists: to stand for truth, righteousness and justice when it's easier to do the done thing.

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