Saturday, 15 August 2009

Understanding the Bible

When we learn that the Bible is God's word, it's little wonder that we try to take on as much information from it as we can. It is right and good to chew over God's word, examining the characters and learning a new mindset (Rom 12:1-2). The word of God can reveal more of God to us, his nature and his being. We can stand in awe at the incredible work that he has done, especially in sending Jesus to secure eternal salvation for those who will follow. While a healthy intake of the word of God is bound to help us immensely, we must not forget the reason why the word of God is given to us. It has been brought together to introduce us to the author: God! It is in this context, being in the presence of Almighty God, we can better understand the Bible.

In our institutional/hierarchical worlds we can easily fall into the mistakes that have beset many well meaning Christians. This world tells us that the more you know, the more superior you are. We see this in most institutional systems on this earth. With the bible the exact opposite is true: The more you know, the more humble you are! As God is revealed to you through the scriptures it is no ticket to swank around with a head full of Greek declensions. True revelation brings about humility and a heart that is ready to truly serve our brothers and sisters and those beyond 'our own'. Like John the Baptist when the Lord came into his ministry, we want to become less to make way for his work.

Revelation is not about knowledge that is stored in the mind. It is about how the person of Christ is given dimensions in your life. True revelation changes and transforms where knowledge alone simply provides and stored information. As the truth about Christ and the salvation he has gained permeates our beings, we begin to see how fickle and temporary this world is. We begin to see how we are often anchored here in this world when we can be anchored in Christ. As we live our lives, the Holy Spirit helps us to become sourced in Christ, not in this world.

With this in view, it is vital that we approach the bible without a view to gain knowledge, rather, be transformed. Today's church structures don't help with this. Tiered leadership produces a natural rank. Those with genuine contributions to make are silenced by the system that places the educated on platforms. the temptation is then to see education as a way to express a genuine gift. This is how we can approach the bible with a information mindset rather than having transformation as our reason for enquiry. We must remember, whatever our circumstance, our purpose in Christ is transformation, not to seek out position. Unfortunately many who know they have a spiritual gift wander around looking for a place that will allow them to express it. Ministers often call this insubordination, and sometimes the accompanying attutudes are less than impressive. However, they are also called into question as they party to an unbiblical system that has made spiritual gifts into a specialized science.

This is among many reasons why God wanted the church to be open partcipationary style, not pulpiteering or heirarchical. You, no matter who you are, can share Christ.

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