Saturday, 26 April 2008

"Give me back my church!"

Welcome to my first blog. A huge point of debate right now is the way 'church' is being examined by all kinds of Christians. Good people will arrive at their expression of church this Sunday readily accepting the format and functioning. Over the last few years it seems that God has been shaking up the accepted leadership structures and speaking to people about 'church' and what it is. Some have walked away from what has been identified as 'man's idea about church' and began to explore God's idea. More than a few times I have been told to just concentrate on the important things like our relationship with Jesus. I agree! What many fail to see is how our practice church and our relationship with Jesus are connected.

We live in New Testament times but the Old Testament principles have much to show us. In Samuel's day the people wanted to elect a King to lead them like pagan nations. God told them through Samuel (1 Sam 8)that this would have socio-political implications on the nation. Chillingly they were told that God would not hear their prayers if they chose to use the system and structure of 'Kings'. The entire move amounted to the rejection of God but being ever merciful God allowed them to choose the pagan system.

In the New Testament we have Paul instructing the Corinthians how to meet. Careful not to replace the essence of being 'in Christ' with a manual-style operations book, Paul crafts the instructions in the corrective narrative. We see in Corinthians and history a church meeting in homes around a meal consisting of bread and wine. We see open and equal sharing... and we see revolution! It wasn't long until, like those people in Samuel's day, the church reverted back to a mixture of Old Testament practice and what any old organisation did in the day. In short the church lost the power as it blended into the institutional ether of the time. Emperor Constantine secured a thousand years of 'dark ages' by officially backing this form of religious practice. I believe the Scriptures show us what man is capable in the rejection of God's rule in the favour of the plan of man. As the New Testament outplayed, man again rejected God's plan for Church and the last 1800 years have seen the consequences.

Today many feel blessed by their experience of church but they mix up who they are and what they do. King David shows us someone whose heart was after God's own yet he existed in a structure and system that amounted to rejection of God! The fact that you are loved by God is a blessing but it does not mean that the way church is practiced is in line with what God has planned. We are easily impressed by the small signs that Christianity is doing well but the first century church contributed to halting the mighty Roman Empire! Millions hear the gospel every day around the world but sadly there are minimal acceptances. Why is this? As God said to the people of Israel when they rejected his plan,

"When that day comes, you will cry out for relief from the king you have chosen, and the LORD will not answer you in that day"

Many are returning to the simple yet powerful format for church. They are handing their crowns back to Jesus and returning to the biblical plan for church. Some however continue to stand by the way things are citing "culture" or "numbers." The truth is Jesus is saying "Give me back my Church".... can you hear his voice?

1 comment:

Jacqueline said...

Nice blog! I will subscribe.