Sunday, 27 April 2008

Empty Message?

There are those who shop around the marketplace of religion wondering what 'the answer' is. I believe faith in Jesus Christ is the answer as this opens the door to a relationship with God. Ive been accused over the years of having a blind faith or a western mindset. In other words I only believe the Jesus story because my upbringing was saturated with a bias towards Christianity. I can see how this accusation is true of Muslim countries as they are forbidden to even speculate on other 'truths.' My faith in Jesus has grown and much of that has been because of the incredible knitting together of Biblical data. Having looked over other 'holy' scriptures I can assure you there are tales of amazing ventures. None can match the Bible which over 1500 years, 40 different authors on three different continents still shows the consistent message of an incredible God.

One of the most incredible occurrences is the Transfiguration (Luke 9:28f). Here we see a meeting between Elijah, Moses and Jesus. If there was a board meeting in eternity you would expect to see these three at the table without doubt! Here they were chatting on the mountain in full view of the disciples who were invited. What was the purpose of this event being outplayed in the public eye, forever to be recorded in the bible? If we look who was there we see significance: Moses took God's people to the edge of the Promised Land and died, buried in the ground. Elijah exited the Promised Land and was taken alive, bodily, in a whirlwind as Elisha looked on. We now know that Jesus was buried in the ground AND taken bodily into heaven. This was possible through the resurrection! He died and was buried like Moses thus fulfilling that era and by ascending in heaven fulfilled the era that Elijah spoke of. In Christ then we have the fulfilment and completion of all times, wrapping up the saving work of God on planet earth.

We simply have to walk in his footsteps and be led by the Holy Spirit.

No other book has the forensic nuts and bolts like the Bible. It is a miracle manuscript designed to point us towards entering a relationship with God. Choose Jesus.

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