Tuesday, 29 April 2008

The search for significance

Today a work colleague asked me a question: "what is the purpose of our lives in God?" Ten years ago I would have answered 'to be used by God to fulfil his plan and purpose,' and to some extent I believe that today. However I thought about this and had a few interesting observations. In the western world we seek our identity through becoming who we want to be. We pursue activities, careers and what we say are callings. One thing is for sure, we all search for significance in one way or another. Even our families can only provide a portion of our significance because one day we do ask 'what is the purpose of our lives in God.'

I think we have been nudged all our lives into thinking that our significance lies in how we live our lives and we need to live in a relationship with Jesus Christ to even begin the search for significance. In the chat with my colleague we discussed the fact that we are significant by virtue of our BEING! In Christ we are unique and are personally known by God. Mind blowingly he thought of us before creation and knew about your life even then! I also believe that God wants to be with us as much as we want to be with him! Because our societies constantly envelop us with the value of status, materialism, celebrity, what attributes make us 'count' we hardly consider the intrinsic value of our lives before we measure ourselves by this worlds values. If we can see past the imposed value systems we can begin to see that God loves us in our stripped down state. He loves US! We are significant by virtue of our being. What confuses the issue is when we try to compete in a world full of wrong values. We can lose self worth, self esteem and individuality if we are trying to be someone by ever unattainable standards. With God you are accepted by being you!

Sadly many leadership structures re-enforce a value system that claims prosperity, status, profile and celebrity are blessings and should be pursued. there's nothing wrong with these things as long as the heart isn't buying into them. I'm not sure anyone this side of heaven can resist the seduction of the worlds value systems.

I will never sell out to this worlds values. They are condemned to this earth.

They are dust.

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