Sunday, 3 January 2010

The Ego's need for Genius

One of my main passions is to refocus the nature of gifts in the church.  Many Christians have been taught that they are a gift to the church, an idea that has led to inflated ego and a value system being imposed upon God's children.  The bible says we are given gifts and like all gifts they need to be passed to the one they are meant for.  Taking on the identity of a gift is error in the church as God is the giver of every gift and we simply pass it on to others as led.

I was recently watching a talk by writer Elizabeth Gilbert and she pointed out something very interesting.  She said that genius used to be something that was detached from your being and the genius would work through you to create.  If God works through Christians then it could be fair to say that this idea fits with Christianity.  I have no problem at all imagining that a third party such as an angel can work through us in our general field of creativity and this also applies to demonic forces should we let them.  I wouldn't force this into a doctrine  and right now I am just playing with ideas.

That said I have always been struck with Eph. 2:10 For we are God's workmanship...   the word workmanship is 'poema' in the original Greek.  The word 'poem' comes from this.  Amazing!  God's creativity is worked through us!  You have a genius working through you and he is the great 'I Am.' we need no other!   The drive for Christians to develop some kind of identity for themselves is driven by the misconception that a gift is their own identity.

The idea that 'genius' was a third party working through a person disappeared as Europe strove for self importance in the Renaissance .  Instead of 'having' a genius people 'became' a genius!  Identity was taken on by the person and if you take this to its logical conclusion you will agree it can lead to  the 'have's' and the 'have-nots.'  From here we then have a class system imposed upon gift, talent and ability.  Does this sound familiar?  Isn't gift, talent and ability rewarded at different levels in this world?  Of course,  that's how society sees our roles, tasks and functions on earth.  When this set of values is imposed on church we have a problem.  How can a 'have' and 'have-not' system work amongst brothers and sisters?

It doesn't, yet millions of Christians exist within these wrong attitudes to 'ability'.  The truth is that God is your Genius!  He wants to work through you and your only challenge is to find how God can work through YOU! Don't be fooled into thinking that others are somehow superior or you are less-than amongst brothers and sisters.  And don't be thinking creative genius is just how you paint, act or sing.  God's Genius does not fit into our narrow perspective.  It is far reaching and involves every step of our interaction with this world.  Enjoy being you.



You can always tell a person's real inner issue by what they harp on about most. Your thing is 'We're all equal in church!' This suggests that your real inner issue is that you think of yourself as being better than others.

But you are blinded by your own arrogance. So you won't allow yourself to see this. In fact, you will react with anger to what I have just written. Not immediately though. Oh no. But you'll think about it and the more you do, the more offence you'll take, inwardly saying something like 'who does that person think they are speaking to me like that. ME.'

The reality is, your words reflect a desperate inner desire to be a part of the very system you supposedly criticise. And that is what the issue has been all along. You aspired to that which you cannot obtain. Therefore, you have developed a presemptious theology that fits in with your inner frustrations - not because you want to release people - but because you can't control them as you would have liked. Sad really. Though good for the people as to control them really would be a travesty. On that point at least, we are in some kind of agreement.

Gary Ward said...

Hi "GavIN LiddIP"

Sorry you are so bitter.

Its a tough journey for all of us just try not to shoot the messenger.'

Love in Christ


Anonymous said...

Matthew 22 vs 34 - 40
I am grieved. As a member of a 'formal' church i watch the in's and outs of Christian life from my secret place with my father. your comments hurt my heart. i see a generation of Christians with damaging mindsets. White washed tombs who have never learnt the importance of love within the world or their spiritual lives. who have not recieved the love of a father and who do not portray the heart one (God would never say what you have said). therefore they dish out insults and try to expose their fellow brothers, rather than openly and lovingly meditate upon discussion or lead by example. i look forward to watching the revelation that i am going to ask the father to give you, outworking itself in your life. then you will realise that he who is without sin may cast the first stone. i fear it is you who is 'blinded by his own arogance' and i pray that you are not in a position of leadership as your veil, of a lack of love, that leads you to speak such harsh 'Truth's' will undoubtedly damage others. My word to you is Learn to love, do not ever speak the way you did on the 25th of Jan at 16;34. Oh, and out of the overflow of a mans heart, his mouth speaks. Go back to the word, read what it says on love not 'Discipline' and spend ALOT more time with your Father in heaven. Ezekial 34 and isaih 58... READ THESE.

Jacqueline Christodoulou-Ward said...

Great blog about genius which has perhaps inflamed someone's inadequacies?

Lol @ 'Gavin Liddip' - pseudo psychology and analysis of others without qualification or statement of methodology of legitimate study = poor attempt to control.

'always' 'real' 'in fact'
'reality'? Lol! Really? GCSE level argument and namecalling.

I thought blog comments were to discuss the content of the blog not to comment on the author?

I'm lost for words again. Except 'funny'.

Anonymous said...

Surely, if Gary thought of himself as "better than others" he would of continued to contribute to the institutional Church.
If his real "desperate inner desire" was in fact to control people, and be part of the system he "supposedly criticises"... do you not wonder why he took himself out of the opportunity to do so? If he really wanted all that, he will simply join a church.
The fact is, he doesn't. It really is as simple as that.

Gary is sharing what he believes in. Why is this such an issue to you? As brothers, surely should we respect him?

It is also interesting how/why you have attacked Gary personally. If your real issue was about the information Gary has shared in the blogs, then why have you given him a sudden insight of himself?
What has made you think that he will get angry by your words? Have you simply assumed this, or do you have an ability to get inside ones head by reading his blog?

I think that we kind of sort of don't agree at all. I hope that you do not think about it too much, in case you inwardly say to yourself 'who does that person think they are speaking to me like that! ME?! God, help us all. We can't even wonder why someone has harshly questioned our beliefs, without being accused of having an issue of being better than others.

In short, why don't we do what Jesus said, and love each other?