Saturday, 12 September 2009

1 What is church?

I want to provide an answer to this question without being technical , particularly quoting bible verses. That said, it is vital that the bible is the source of the information rather than what the church has become in the 21st century. What I mean is not looking back into the bible and imposing what we see and do in scripture. When people think of Christianity and 'Church' they often default to the Roman Catholic Church. This ritualistically impressive invention was birthed by Emperor Constantine in the 4th century while attempting to make the church and state one element. Most churches still have elements of Roman Catholic church practice in their leaderhip structures, ritual and 'temple' mentality. In actual fact the church started off in homes with people sharing a meal, focussed on the Lord Jesus Christ, risen and present by His Spirit.

It is Family.
The scriptures tell us that when someone becomes a Christian they become part of God's family. Other Christians are 'brothers' and 'sisters,' all having one Father. To come together and meet would therefore not be a duty or observance but a relational desire. Jesus was challenged by his mother as he taught some strangers and he told her that the strangers were his brothers and sisters. So the family is central to our understanding about church.
It is commanded.
When Jesus had the last passover meal with his disciples he told them that the wine represented his blood and the bread his broken body. This was part of the meal and he told them to do it in remembrance of him. So, to have a meal of which bread and wine are part is a direct command from Jesus when people meet together. We know he was saying this because he did not drink the last of 4 glasses of wine that are normally drank during passover. He left the last one saying he will not drink it until we are in heaven together. Bearing in mind that at this point he said 'do this in remembrance of me,' it places the full meal as central to the entire idea of 'church.' (email me for more on this)

It is different.
In the time of Jesus and the Apostles, the mindset was to do with the temple, philosophy, human wisdom and accomplishment. The celebrities of the day were anyone with great ideas about life and suchlike. It was likely then that the church would have to have a whole new mindset to make sure it didnt become like any old organisation with the usual characteristics - big boss, membership, aims and objectives list etc. Inevitably some churches did. A guy called Paul was given the job of steering the people to avoid the pitfalls. We can see a letter he wrote to the Corinthian church in the New Testement. Here he corrects them of a number of issues. When we look closely at what he was saying we can see he was telling them to stay faithful to the simple, meal based family gathering. Sadly the church looks like the one he was correcting than what God wanted them to do. Paul was an 'Apostle,' one sent with a message for the church and all the other Apostles were teaching the same thing.

It has purpose.
The bible tells us that church is to build up and encourage one another. People meeting together with love, acceptance, affirmation, belonging, support, peace and warmth contrasts the push and shove of this world we live in. People are impacted by this experience and because God gives people roles and tasks within the family, everyone is cared for. When people experience this they enter their world as people who are different. When people ask about what is different in their demeanour and responses to life, it is an opportunity to talk about Jesus. Today many feel the purpose of the church is firstly to tell people about Jesus. Sadly, neglecting the nature of their meeting together, they are not much different than everybody else in this world. The message communicated is that christianity is just another organisation when actually it is a wonderful family.

It is cultural
The temptation is that church moves with the times and responds to shifting culture. Many churches today attempt to attract people by being socially and culturally modern. Hit music, top fashions, slick leaders and state of the art venues add to the race to be relevant. God's idea was that wherever people are, it is possible to have 'church.' Everyone needs to eat and people meeting in a dwelling with food are the basics of church. God catered for all people in every age through time in his command at the last passover meal. Those choosing relevance over revelation change the nature of church and no matter how big, loud, shiny or popular, if it isnt God's plan, it is something else.

It looks foolish
A small group of people eating a meal, all chipping in about their faith, praying, singing..... sounds weak and feeble to me. Yet this is what God considers to be his plan for salvation! Many are heading for making Church replicate all that people find attractive, trendy and relevant about life, therefore attracting peoples interest. Like every other aspect of Christianity it takes faith to make it work. Making a church relevant seems like hard work to me when God wants simplicity and numerically low groups. The cross, says the bible, is foolishness to those who are perishing. This act is what saved us and we access God's grace by faith. We must accept God's plan for church by faith, dropping our ideas of what we think works or trying to copy what makes business work and grow. It's by faith!

Feel free to comment on this, especially on how most churches go beyond what the bible teaches. "Do not go beyond what is written."


Ramsey said...

very nice.. that explains a lot.

i have a question though... how can one start a Biblical church.. especially where believers are persecuted and have to remain hidden?

I can definately see the advantage the Biblical church has from what you are saying.. especially in terms of the question posed above.. because it is like a family getting together.. only the bonds of the family are not parents' or grandparents' blood.. but Jesus' blood!

but how do secret believers come about to getting involved in church? especially if most home churches are almost unheard of.. you can't just google them.. or see their buildings to just walk into..

Ramsey said...

very nice.. that explains a lot.

i have a question though... how can one start a Biblical church.. especially where believers are persecuted and have to remain hidden?

I can definately see the advantage the Biblical church has from what you are saying.. especially in terms of the question posed above.. because it is like a family getting together.. only the bonds of the family are not parents' or grandparents' blood.. but Jesus' blood!

but how do secret believers come about to getting involved in church? especially if most home churches are almost unheard of.. you can't just google them.. or see their buildings to just walk into..

Gary Ward said...

Thanks for the post Ramsey. In places where the church would be persecuted or not allowed ie. (China)they may have a way of communicating like the first Christians, they inconspicuously drew a fish shape into the sand with their foot and this became the symbol of common faith in Christ. It goes hand in hand with the biblical notion that 'evangelism' is based on our witness and is entirely relational. Therefore anyone finding out about the biblical church would have gained the trust and relational flow with the person in normal day to day life way before Jesus is communicated.

This may be why there's an estimated 100million Christians doing this in China.