Thursday 15 October 2009

Stuff God wants us to know. 1

Jer 33:3 'Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.'

Thinking that becomes part and parcel of everyday life can be termed as 'institutional conditioning.' This is when something is unquestionably and routinely accepted by ourselves. Christians are good at taking on new concepts and mulling over information as that is part of our responsibility as God's children. However there are aspects of Christian life that are not questioned and therefore routinely accepted, not realising the dangers.

A fun example is 'who said Australia is 'down under?' I can accept that since it was discovered fairly recently by people from 'up top' it will be termed 'down under.' Given that there is no up or down in space the whole idea of direction is a man made suggestion. Australians consider themselves to be down under also, thus also buying into it all. It doesn't really affect anyone if we consider whose down or up in this world but there are some things readily accepted in life that do affect people. History has set things in motion based upon perspectives someone had long ago. These things become the fabric of our society and no-one questions them. An example that harms people is the class system. Sure, the terminology may have started with observing peoples socio-economical status in relation to others but then became a tool used for political ends. Some people are refused jobs because of postcode prejudice. Certain areas are labelled as socially challenged because of labels assigned many moons ago. This thinking is part of our society and while the evidence of the classification is in our towns and cities, has the branding of people set many up to fail? Labels become concepts and that's a short step from concepts speaking back into the situation and producing accepted paradigms.

In my life I have never been handed a book or seen a documentary on why our leaders govern the country the way they do. I've had to accept so much of 'the done thing' its the done thing. Again, to answer why things are done a certain way we can point to history, decisions made by men and women to set in motion ideas that will govern people and systems to meet an end result. I sometimes feel pressured by the thought that I can't come up with a better idea so just accept the way it is done. This is a wrong way to think. Just because I may not suggest solutions doesn't mean that I cannot recognise the problems. Class systems, government and geographical anomaly may be impossible to change but we can and must address whether institutional conditioning affects church practise.

The Bible tells us to pray and not be angry about the way things are in the way this world is run. Too many Christians have the same kind of auto-acceptance about church. "It's just the way it is, God must have led the church here." But we all know how far off the mark Roman Catholicism is... did God lead that? Whilst staring at the man made religion of Roman Catholicism many Christians cannot cope with the thought that there still may be a way to go before we are rid of those elements still lingering in church structure and systems. Whilst preaching "God led us here" don't forget all the spectrum of denomination today came from the Great Reformation, a protest against Roman Catholicism. Whilst ironing out some of the Theological issues the emerging Protestants did not stop doing doing what the Roman Catholic priests did, preside OVER God's people.

Given our propensity to readily accept what we were born into, isn't it of the utmost importance to make sure 'church' is not subject to institutional conditioning? Moves have been made towards not doing the done thing where church is concerned. Leaders may have removed the garb, made the preaching relevant to today and produced user friendly environments. However, in our society anyone who steps up to the responsibility of leadership will be automatically in a hierarchical system. How so? Because western history, society, culture and what we readily accept in day to day life accepts hierarchy and rank as standard.

If you don't want church leadership to automatically equate to rank you will need to do three things:

1. You will need to tell people who you lead that they should not see you the same as the teacher, policeman, army officer, supervisor or parent, all of whom are in a ranked position in this society for all their lives.

2. You will need to get rid of all the things that reinforce the idea that you are in a higher ranked position. This means forsaking position, status, labels, privileges and all visual confirmation you are the superior officer ie. the platform, pulpit, front row, titles and church structures that rank the people who attend.

3. You will have to live as a brother who may or may not be a leader amongst your sisters and brothers. What you do will have to become secondary to who you are among others.

The primary reason the church has been hindered in effectiveness despite centuries of activity is because the progress made in what the church looks like and how she appears in society has not changed what she is. Christians are not institutional because we belong to the state or don't, we are institutional because we readily-accept-and-never-question the historical amendments made to what church should do. Leadership doesn't look the same as the Roman Catholic church but it sits in a society that will see church leaders as priest-types, set apart, more than brothers or sisters.

So what form does leadership take if not following the post-Catholic model? How will people who are institutionally conditioned be led if the leadership model is of another nature? The answer to these questions lie in the need to remove anything that promotes the priestly rank and other things that hinder the nature of Christians gathering together for ecclesia. When we do this we find much of what we do, and how we do it, is there to serve the priestly rank and all that means in practise. Scripture shows Paul and the other apostles in agreement to teach church as a smaller gathering in family environments around a meal. Each contributed, not just the few professionals. God in his wisdom wanted us to live under the exclusive leadership of Christ and all that would promote the priestly rank was avoided.

We were born into this world where invisible rules and practises worm their way into our consciousness. Our contentment with 'the done thing' should never be blind acceptance. Only God can open our eyes to the extent of how we have been shaped by the environment of this world. We are a product of church history but not subject to it so can you become free by taking the bold and courageous steps toward biblical church?

Monday 5 October 2009

Do you need a "systemectomy?"

My journey from inherited church to biblical church
Gary Ward

I believe the scriptures contain a church pattern for meeting. Based on Paul's correction of the Corinthians, Jesus' words to his disciples and historical records, church is home based, non-hierarchical, open and equal sharing around a meal containing bread and wine. The church we inherited is not in the bible and comes from the Roman Catholic practices.
Doing something different for church, even because the scriptures tell you, is only half the story. The real challenge to anyone wanting to do what God says is our own transition from being part of the system to being free. If anyone recognising they should be following biblical directives doesn't have a personal revolution in their own hearts, they will still be all that works against the Lords will. The whole point of reforming our practice is to give freedom to brothers and sisters in Christ. Therefore the personal revolution is paramount. There's no 'how-to' involved with this simply because only God can work with your heart. The 'systemectomy' can be so difficult that many do not complete it. This involves the cross and the first stage is realising the extent to which we endorsed, embraced and entertained the system.

In 1998 I was in Australia and I spoke a message to a youth group called 'Are you a human being or a human doing?' This reflected the birth of some realisations going on in my life as I worked as an evangelist in a Pentecostal church in the UK. I struggled with the leadership's attitude towards those who weren't as 'useful' as others. Using 'service for God' as a benchmark for suitability, a system of membership was used to reflect commitment to the leader's vision. As a leader amongst this system and other abuses, I struggled to see how the leadership team were serving the people. Of course many hours of work was put into the leadership roles for sure, but the fact remained that no matter how much actual work was done, they were in a system that placed them ranked above the regular brothers and sisters in the church. Jesus told James and John that they should not be concerned about superior placing but those who are the greatest are servants. This has nothing to do with putting a 16 hour day in, it is everything about superior and inferior placing amongst brothers and sisters where Jesus said "Not so among you..." Eventually this and other observations about church per se led to an inner conflict. The general party line from church leaders was under scrutiny and it conflicted with God's word/will. After some time I felt God telling me to leave that church and the reaction of the leaders to this confirmed how man-led it really was. It needs to be stressed that we never sowed discord among the church over this. I had no plan 'b' so we went to another similar church which, in time, bore similar characteristics to the one we left.
Meanwhile I was able to step back from the system and it was then God was able to show how church history, human wisdom and hierarchical leadership structures is keeping most of the Church in inherited dimensions rather than scriptural directives. Reduced in effect, it is the lost who pay the price of the man-led church system.

I had to repent because I had also enjoyed my position at times. I was faced with the fact that I too enjoyed the trappings of leadership. This was a time of great breakage. Most people would not say they want to be over people in leadership and many say it goes with the job. However, we are all subject to a fallen, floundering heart. Unless we acknowledge and actively work against this, we gravitate towards wanting to be over people. Is this just me? No... it is in all people because being superior is one of the foundational elements of sin. The root of pride is wanting to be over, Satan tried to raise his throne above the Almighty. Being a Christian does not solve the deeper heart motivations. Some people enter ministry because they genuinely want to help mankind but at some point everyone involved in ministry will entertain what I call 'the King thing.' This is the fallen desire to rule and reign in some capacity on earth and it comes straight from the pit of Hell. This unchecked heart motivation has hindered the church for centuries. It is exampled in the Roman Catholic Church with explicit ranked leadership. Its effects can be seen in the local church where the 'king thing' heart motivations are less explicit yet still present.

Here's a test. How did you react to what I just wrote? Like me I'm sure you want to become all you can be for God. I'm certain that like me you have had things in life to remove and things you need to add as God reveals our hearts. What I have just wrote above is scripturally possible yet the reaction from many is absolute outrage. We will fight tooth and nail to protect our position and status but this is a strange reaction to the suggestion that something hinders The Lord! Wouldn't we want to investigate? I have had the full spectrum of reaction at this biblical suggestion but curiously no real biblical refute. It is a scathing comment on our present condition and instead of responding with rational enquiry, it causes reaction. It can be repented of.... only if someone can acknowledge the scale of the problem and then work against it by practising church. God's design gives little chance for our hearts to buy into 'the King thing.'

On my journey I came across some good people who put flesh on the bones to my experience. I read some good books and also found that some of the authors had bought into 'the King thing' again but this time in the name of biblical church. Its a subtle thing that needs thorough acknowledgement or we will find another way to become the 'King.' I'm guessing that few ministers begin with pure motives but because the ministry is ranked in leadership, few will escape the lure and grip. Even someone reading this and being aware will not stop it. It needs to be taken to the cross and that means repenting. This, in turn, means partying to something that does not give opportunity for the heart to again buy into the King thing. You need to count the cost. It is not your fault or mine that we inherited systems and structures for church. But it is yours and my responsibility to become free from it all when we learn its length and breadth.

The transition time took a while and there are no charismatic fixes to this. We need to allow 'ministry' to bleed out of us and lay down our callings. Don't worry, the world will not go to rack and ruin! Jesus is in charge. He is more interested in your freedom than your feelings so be ready to face some truths about the general state of being and also things personal to just you. You'll know when the enemy is in on the act because you will feel accused as opposed to loved, nurtured and sustained. Jesus knew this time would come where he can take us to a deeper knowledge of himself and be part of the church as found in scripture. There are no dangling carrots here! No promises of millions flocking to biblical churches! It is a hard road with no ego-reward. This thinking is so new it may take hundreds of years to become the mainstream. But when the heart is dealt with, our involvement with church become about truth, love and serving Jesus alone. Much of how we were driven for God's Kingdom you will find is tinged with our own desires and need for notoriety. With the Kingdom safely placed back in Jesus hands, we can then see what his leading is, free from the auto-suggestions of the system. Your calling may have been valid but it needs to take place in the right environment, a biblical one, not a post-Roman Catholic system.
The following are a few things to observe and think through whilst moving from inherited church to biblical church:
  • You would do anything for Jesus. Can you do 'nothing?'
  • Others may not be ready to see what you see.
  • Don't isolate yourself.
  • Meet like minded people, we can help with that.
  • Don't return fire on the mockers.
  • Its not the people that are at fault. Love people.
  • The system defined some of your experience.
  • Others defined their experience through you.
  • The system is not the Devil.
  • The Devil uses systems.
  • In this world 'being' comes from 'doing.'
  • In God 'doing' comes from 'being.'

If you can genuinely see this through you will experience one thing: the truth. This is only about truth but there are a growing number of people who believe and are acting on what Jesus said to his disciples about following him. Its time to lose our own lives, what we have bought into in our Christian lives. No more forging out our notoriety or fame. This was about Jesus Christ only and his Glory. Step aside, let Jesus lead his church again. For more on this read the blogs or contact me by comment.

Gary Ward
Brother in Christ

Friday 2 October 2009

An answer to inaugurated/preterist eschatology

Luke 9:18-36

A growing number of people are beginning to believe that AD70 was the beginning of the Coming Kingdom and we now are actually living in that time based on passages that contain verses like this:

Luke 9:27I tell you the truth, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God."

The context for this verse starts with Jesus asking who people think he is. Peter saying he was the Christ wasn't just a nice thought, but with John the baptist and Elijah as possibilities in the public domain, people were aware of the significance of Old Testament history. The conversation about Jesus' identity and the ramifications of this on people is at the very crux of anything he could have said regarding 'Kingdom' speak. After all the King has requirements on his subjects in his Kingdom. Then he says some will not taste death before they see the Kingdom of God and this has given rise to opting for the significant date of AD70, when among other things the Romans destroyed Jerusalem, being the start of the Coming Kingdom. Josephus tells of terrible times of great suffering. Lets park for a while the fact that healing and prosperity are standard in the coming kingdom yet are strangely missing from our present dispensation and investigate what "seeing" the Kingdom of God actually was.

As we are all aware the Old Testament would be building up to the coming of the messiah and the completed work. We see many significant characters but two stand out more than most. These are Moses and Elijah. Moses story is better known and we cannot consider Moses without mentioning Joshua. Combined, they made sure the chosen people of God entered the Promised Land. Moses did not enter yet bodily died before he set foot in the place.

Elijah's journey is not as well understood but has similar elements. Apart for his life's work the main significance her is his exit. Elisha with him, he was called at the Jordan and at Gods command purposely took the same exit route from the Promised Land that Joshua had taken to go in. So significant was this route the prophets came to comment at the significance by saying Elijah would be taken from the earth. Moses and Elijah were both ones who established major principles that would become foundational to God's Kingdom in as much as they set the next generation of leader into an entirely different ball game. Through them God was able to establish his principles that changed the circumstance of the next generation. What Moses and Elijah set into motion are part of our experience as Christians today as a direct result of what they set into motion as principles in the Old Testament.

Having had the 'you are the Christ' conversation, telling them he would rise and reminding them they should daily abandon their own lives to follow, then he makes the statement about seeing the kingdom of God before dying. After this some went up the mountain and Moses, Elijah and Jesus.... glowed! usually the glowing is cited as 'they saw the Kingdom of God because they glowed' but what we are seeing is more than that:

Moses died and was buried. Elijah left the earth bodily. These exits were forerunners of how Jesus fulfils two composite elements of God's Kingdom. Firstly Jesus took on our sins, died and was placed in the ground (Moses?). This puts an end to the function of the Law as schoolmaster. Secondly Jesus rises bodily from the earth thus echoing all that Elijah established in his exit with Elisha**. We now know he was able to do both these things because he resurrected. In Christ all is fulfilled and anyone familiar with the Old Testament would know that the promised Messiah would bring all things together and make sense of what can often seem, even to the Jews, as disconnected events in their history.

Seeing the kingdom of God then is not living in the coming Kingdom. The disciples who saw this witnessed in one event the individual composite parts of the Kingdom of God and because the whole conversation began with 'who is...,' it is right for Jesus to tell them some would see the characterisation of God's Kingdom within the context of identity, the who's who of God's Kingdom. Its a little like seeing the early American presidents and their image speaks of their contribution to American constitution for example. Also with Jesus the man, we peer past the Jew and see how he lived, died and rose again to save us.... he represents salvation. Those seeing the three on the mountain that day were seeing God's Kingdom in much the same way.

All this is backed up by the fact that the writer of the gospels ties the transfiguration to 'seeing the kingdom of God' by saying 6-8 days later (or... after that statement....this happened).

So that's just one verse quickly explained.... I'm sure there's a heap more.

** Elijah's exit was establishing the principle of repentance and there are blogs here that explain this huge topic.